
Boss TU-01 Clip-on Chromatic Tuner

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Boss TU-01 Clip-on Chromatic Tuner

Compact and Easy-to-Use Clip-On

Ideal for guitar, bass, and ukulele, the clip-on TU-01 is the mostaffordable tuner in the trusted BOSS lineup. Small, durable, and simpleto use, it provides convenient, reliable tuning right on yourinstruments headstock. A bright, attractive display features a cooldigital meter and note indicator, plus two lights that show when youreperfectly in tune. The TU-01 also adjusts for different viewing anglesand folds down for easy transport in your case or gig bag.

  • Renowned BOSS tuning quality in an affordable clip-on tuner
  • Features Chromatic, Guitar, Bass, and Ukulele tuning modes
  • Convenient reference pitch function (A=440 Hz)
  • Runs for up to 25 continuous hours with a CR2032 lithium battery
  • Auto off function to preserve battery life when the tuner is not in use


SpecificationsTuning RangeA0 (27.5 Hz)–C8 (4,186.0 Hz)Reference PitchA4 (440 Hz only)Tuning Accuracy+/- 1 centTuning ModeCHROMATIC / GUITAR / BASS / UKULELEControlPower switch / Mode switchDisplaybacklit LCDPower SupplyCR2032 lithium battery x 1Current Draw6 mAExpected battery life under continuous useApprox. 25 hours
* These figures will vary depending on the actual conditions of use.Auto off functionApprox. 7 minutesAccessoriesOwner’s manual
CR2032 lithium battery


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